The app can be opened on any device with a web browser connected to the internet, from a smart phone or tablet to a laptop or desktop computer. A large screen will offer a better experience.

Our demo game can be played for free, without any user account. The demo game can be played as any regular game, but it is limited to one player and it cannot be saved.
When the browser is closed, the game is lost. There is no online messaging capability for demo game.

Account registration

Each user needs to create a free account and login to have access to all games features, including multi players, live online game and live messaging.
Registration is free, but the user must read, agree and respect our TERMS OF SERVICE and PRIVACY POLICY conditions.
Each player must choose a unique username and provide a name and a valid email address for registration. Only one account is allowed for each email address.
The username can only contain uppercase characters, numbers, and the underscore character and cannot be modified after creating the account. If a chosen name is not available, the user must try a different variant until accepted. After successful registration, a temporary password will be sent to the provided email address for verification. The user should login as soon as possible and change the password after that.
Personal details are visible after login on the user profile page, by clicking the username displayed on the top navigation bar.

Game credits and pricing

Every new registered user receives FREE 50 game credits that can be used to initiate new games. Each new game will use 1 credit for each included player. Since the minimum number of players is two, each new game will use at least two credit points. The credits are used only by the user who initiates the game. The other invited users are not using any credits.
The number of remaining credits is visible on the user profile page.
When the available credits are running out, the user can make one time purchase to buy new credits. There is no subscription required, the credits can be purchased when needed following the Pay as you Go model, without any further obligations. However, we cannot refund money for any purchased credits.
Credits can be purchased from the user profile page by clicking the Buy Credit button. The users will be redirected to the secure PayPal portal which gives them the option to choose the amount of credits and one of the accepted payment methods, including PayPal or credit cards. The payments are processed and managed securely by PayPal. We do not have access, and we will never ask information about your credit card or bank details.
After the payment is confirmed, it might take up to 24 hours to process the transaction and load the credits into user account, although most of the time is much faster than that. Therefore, is recommended to purchase new credits before running out of the existing ones.

Option* Amount of credit** Cost
New user 50 credits FREE
Top Up 20 credits 3 USD
Top Up 40 credits 5 USD
Top Up 100 credits 10 USD

* Every purchase is one time only, no recurring subscription required
** The credits do not expire, but they cannot be refunded after purchase

Game management

The list of all existing games available for each user is visible by clicking MY GAMES tab on the top navigation bar. The games are ordered by game id from the most recent one to the oldest. If there are more games, they are visible on multiple pages. Each game can be loaded by clicking the corresponding id button. The games on the list show status OPEN if the game was not finished yet or CLOSED otherwise. The invited players are also visible, first player on the list being the game owner.
On the top of the games list, there is the option to create a new game with two or multiple players. By default, the first player is the user that creates the game, which is the game owner. To play the game online with other registered users, the game owner must type the exact username of other players who are included in the game using uppercase characters (Example: JOHN_15). Once included in the game, the game will be visible in their list. To invite other registered users, you need to contact your friends directly, or using social media, and organize the details with them.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you include other registered users without their consent, or type random names in uppercase letters, they have the option to delete your game.
Only one account is required to play the game locally with family members or friends that are not registered users. When creating a new local game, type the name of other players using lowercase letters (Example: John). In this way you make sure that you are not inviting other existing online users, since all registered users contain only uppercase letters.
Once the game is created, a new page will open, giving the options to load the game locally or online if other registered users were tagged.

Playing the game

Any open game can be loaded as local or online game.
A local game is played on a single device with all the users in the same room.
This option is perfect for spending quality time and having fun with family and friends.
An online live game is played remotely by different users on different devices.
All the users must open the game as live at the agreed time and the game owner has control on giving the other users their turn. All the users can see in real time when a player rolls the dice, select the dice and record the points.
The live messaging feature allows users to chat with the other players during the game, making it more interactive and fun.
To switch to the next player, the game coordinator for a live game or any player on a local game needs to click on the button showing the player's name.
Each player can roll the dice up to three times. After each hand the player can select the dice to keep or roll by clicking on them. The final score displayed for the selected dice may be recorded in the table where the field conditions are met
Once a score is recorded in the table and the game moves to the next player, the changes are saved automatically and cannot be reversed.
The game can be closed at any time and resumed later from where it was left. Each user can have only one live game opened at a time on a device.


The objective of the game is to fill in all the required fields in the sheet, while aiming to obtain the highest score.
Each player takes turns and rolls the dice up to three times while choosing which dice to keep. After maximum three attempts the player must choose where to record the points for the kept dice.

Game columns

The sheet is structured in three columns for each player as follows:
Any Order column allows the player to complete any field if the dice match the requirements of that field.
Ordered fields column requires the player to start from the first field on the top and fill in order if the dice match the requirements. Fields cannot be skipped in this column. To move to the next field the player must either record a number if the field requirements are met or zero otherwise
First Hand column requires the player to record only the dice kept from the first hand. The fields can be filled in any order, and the players are still allowed to roll the dice up to three times to achieve other combinations if they wish to, but only the score of the dice kept from the first hand can be recorded in this column. The bonus will be doubled, as shown below, if a combination is achieved in the first hand and recorded in this column.

Game Steps

The sheet has also three main sections for the steps from top to bottom represented by Numbers, Formations and Difference:


Numbers from one to six, represented as N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6 can be filled with the total score of the kept dice showing that number.
For example, if the remaining dice after three attempts is 1, 3, 1, 4, 2, the player can fill N1 with a score of 2, since there are two dice with that number.
If the sum of the numbers for each column (TN) is equal or higher than 63, a bonus of 50 points will be automatically applied.


Formations are combinations of specific dice, like poker hands.
The player needs to record the sum of all dice if a combination is achieved. The game will apply an automatic bonus which is double if the formation is recorded in the First Hand column, as shown below.
Full House (FH) represented by tree of a kind and two of a kind like (4,4,4,3,3). A bonus of 20 (or 40 for the First Hand) will be automatically added to the sum of dice.
Little Strait (SL) represented by sequence from one to five (1,2,3,4,5) with a bonus of 25 (50) added to the sum of the dice (15)
Big Strait (SH) represented by sequence from two to six (2,3,4,5,6) with a bonus of 30 (60) added to the sum of the dice (20)
Four of a Kind (K4) represented by four dice with the same number, like (3,3,3,3) with a bonus of 50 (100) added to the sum of dice.
YAMS (YM) with all dice showing the same number, like (5,5,5,5,5) with a bonus of 100 (200) added to the sum of dice.
The sum of all formations for each column (TF) is automatically calculated.
Difference between highest value and lowest value:
Lowest value (LV) has the goal of getting the lowest possible value for the sum of all five dice. For example, 1,1,2,1,3 has a value of 8
Highest Value (HV) has the goal of getting the highest possible value for the sum of all five dice. For example, 5,6,5,5,6 has a value of 27.
The total score for this section will be the difference between the highest value and the lowest value (TD) for each column. For the given examples, TD = 27 - 8 = 19
The final total score of the game (TG) represents the sum of all subtotals for all columns.
The game ends when all the fields are filled in with a number. If the players cannot achieve the requirements for a specific field, they have the option to fill in with zero (0). For example, the users can use this option to advance in the Ordered column when they believe there is a slim chance of achieving the required combination.


The user should aim to fill in the Ordered column first, since this can only be filled in sequence.
Any formation should be prioritized over numbers, since it offers a bonus. If a formation is achieved after the first hand, the bonus is double, so take advantage of this, whenever possible.
As the player progresses through the Ordered column, sometimes it is a good idea to fill in a specific field with zero, to progress faster, especially when the chances of making a specific formation are slim.
When trying to achieve a combination, it is a good idea to keep dice from the first hand that can be filled in Numbers section in case that the formation is not achieved. For example, when trying to achieve four of a kind, start with at least two of a kind from the first hand that can be filled in the third column in case of failure.
The player should aim at getting 50 bonus points for Numbers for at least one column, usually the Any Order one. This requires at least 63 points total, which represents an average of three of a kind for each number.
As the game approaches the end, the number of available fields is getting limited and the formations are not always achieved, so the user must be inspired on which ones to fill with zero and which ones to keep for further attempts.